Education, Promotion, and Training of Conservation

Although the Natural Reserve of Iberá has existed since 1983, the majority of the Correntine population still does not know much about it. From its borders to its core, the natural characteristics of Iberá and the reasons for its conservation are still relatively unknown. Because of this, the Conservation Land Trust (CLT) focuses on strategies needed to direct our work to every level of the local populations, with emphasis in the local communities and municipalities. We treat these local areas and people as part of our conservation team and strive to involve them in our efforts.

To ensure that the Great Iberá Park and the Natural Reserve serve society in an adequate manner and continue to be supported by the citizens, CLT has developed various educational, promotional, and training programs focused on conservation. The goal of these programs is to promote the understanding and appreciation of Iberá, as well as teaching people the importance and obligation to actively participate in its conservation and democracy.

Children from schools close to the reserve with anteater sculptures

Environmental Education

Through Environmental Education, we look to communicate to the citizens of the areas within or neighboring the Iberá Reserve and Park the basic concepts related of the region and its conservation, so that the people learn that these conecepts drive Iberá’s conservation and adequate management.

We have incorporated our work into rural and urban schools around the Iberá basin. In rural schools that exist in direct contact with the environment, we hope that the children reevaluate the resources and nature that surround them, focusing on informing them that they are the local guides and ecological promoters. In the urban schools, on the other hand, we strive to teach the children to value and learn about the resources that are everyday farther away from them, and to communicate to them that they are crucial in fulfilling the vision for environmental conservation.

As educational tools, we use a series of videos “Iberá, life and secrets of its nature and people” (11 documentaries in the series put into 5 DVDs, in spanish and Guaraní), educational guides that serve as docents showing these series, community theater, daily educational programs, field trips with docents and key individuals of the community, and artistic workshops.


Through the participation in fairs, local festivities, community radio, themed parties, posters, stickers, pamphlets, almanacs, and different means of communication, we strive to share the values of Iberá and the differnt problems it faces relating to its care, conservation, and advancement.

Presentations in fairs and festivities


Puppet show "Anímese Yverá"


In order for the future Great Iberá Park to be taken care of and enjoyed in the best possible way, it is essential that society is adequately trained for said management. In this sense, CLT develops training programs directed towards the local communities and conservation professionals that can benefit from learning management from our team while obtaining enriching experiences in the areas of protection, restoration of threatened species, and the development of local economies.

Within the first line of work, we look for the formation and consolidation of non-governmental organizations that work for Iberá; strengthening the municipalities abilities in environmental information and the foment of local actions and attitudes in favor of conservation of the Iberá Provincial Park and Reserve. To fulfill these objective, we developed a strategy based on informing and accessing, attempting to focus and catalyze actions that support the conservation of Iberá via the formulation, management, and monitoring of specific projects.

In terms of the formation of wide range of more technical subjects, since 2006 we have organized post-graduate courses, open to professionals throughout Latin America, teaching practial aspects to improve the abilities of professionals working for the conservation of biodiversity.


To conserve the biodiversity of the regions in which we work, it is not enough to just create an ecological space that houses biodiversity. Complete conservation also requires social interest and the capacity to manage and defend said space. However, we have a noticeable shortage of adequately trained professionals to handle this complex task of conservation. The challenge is enormous and the demand for qualified personnel is high. In response to these dilemmas, CLT is promoting and coorinating various courses aimed at forming professionals in conservation. The ultimate goal of these courses is to gain resources and precious knowledge. All of our courses are developed in collaboration with other governmental and non-governmental institutions.

Interdisciplinary Leadership for the Conservation of Biodiversity: Is an intensive 7 day course taught by conservation professionals or “leaders of conservation” who currently are executing, coordinating or supervising biodiversity conservation programs in different places of Latin America. The course is an expanded and improved version of our previous class “Beginnings and Interdisciplinary Tools for the Resoration of Threatened Species.” We have offered one course per year since 2006.

Biodiversity and Conservation of the Suptropics: An Integrated Vision: This is a course for young men and women who work in the subtropical region of South America and who are beginning a professional career as conservationists. The four week course is spent within the most important ecosystems of Northern Argentina to learn about the endless projects, people, visions and tools associated with the conservation of biodiversity.

"Interdisciplinary Leadership for the Conservation of Biodiversity" course