Cultural Values

Guarani Language

Guarani language prevails in the Iberá. This is seen in the very name of this ecosystem and in the most used place names, which briefly describe these places in practical and poetic words. For example Tacuaral Guazú (large Tacuaral) or the use of the word cué (old) after a proper name, to say that a Martin, Juan or Silvero once lived there. The same goes for Yberá meaning "shining waters".

The language remained alive due in part to the geographical isolation of the area. However Guarani was in danger of disappearing a few decades ago since it was said that it hindered learning “Castellano”. Fortunately today the idea of giving value back to the language prevails, and a new generation has begun to use it on a daily basis.

Guarani word Yberá, meaning "shining water".