Cultural Values


There is always a celebration in each town in Corrientes. Patron Saint festivals, celebrations in small altars in honor of a devoted saint, folk tradition festivities, the “yerra”, the harvest, the day of the Holy Innocents... Expected by all, these events carry a number of tasks which involve painting the chapels and houses; making collections and donations to enable locals and outsiders to eat and dance for free; sprucing up the horse with the best tack; preparing the “ex votos” or offerings to the saints, and, of course, saving enough holidays for those dates to make sure nothing interrupts their celebration.

All the year’s savings are often spent on these celebrations, revealing the presence in Iberá of the Guarani culture which downplays materialism due to the idea that "the future" does not exist and that the present is where one should live, celebrate, share and strengthen family ties. This is an analogy perhaps with the Guarani missionaries who after the expulsion of the Jesuits and the attacks by neighboring peoples migrated to Corrientes on long journeys carrying only their religious images and music.